Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Zero hour…..

The time has finally come, the hour is upon us, and a horror of biblical proportions has been unleashed over the land. I speak of Tasmania National Moustache day.

At a slightly unfair advantage by being blonde Tim and I nevertheless rose to the challenge to join the Father of Mack, Michael George Parker – the bare chested bear beater, Greg “let me sell you a used car” Alexander, and ‘Handlebars’ Townsend for a week of beard growth. Folk lore has it around these parts that at the turn of the 19th century there was a legendary law man known only as ‘The Garvinator’ who cleaned up local town of Dodge (now a ghost town after the infamous hydro-nuclear-electric explosion of ‘72). The Possum gang ruled Dodge and the surrounding farmsteads, and could be easily identified by their overly large moustaches and love of Tim-Tams – then a local delicacy made from kangaroo meat and dutch sugar. For a year they had run the town, bribing local officials and forcing man to slave labour. Enter lawman Garvinator. In a matter of months he had rounded up every member of the Possum gang save one and they had been tried and convicted of crimes against the state including the ownership of biohazardous facial hair. The single escaping member is rumored to have gone underground vowing to take revenge on Dodge at the appropriate time. In honour of the great exploits achieved the local citizens declared 1st March as National (let us hope one day international) Moustache day. Since then every year there has been great rejoicing when local simple people grow moustaches and eat Tim-Tams to commemorate Tassie’s most famous home-grown hero.

And so it was that this year we unearthed the legend and decided to take part. Ultimately Tim cheated by dying his moustache black, but since he also dyes his hair we couldn’t complain – and it was so funny that it all seemed worth it. The prize for the day (a free 24 hour supply of Tasmania air) went jointly to Handlebars Townsend and the bear beater who displayed great zeal and excellence in the matter of moustache growing.
I am definitely never growing a moustache ever as it is disgusting.

In other news my luggage has disappeared once more into the ether along with Maya who apparently has been suffering from a sort of inverse were-kangaroo affliction such that 3 days in every lunar month she turns into a kangaroo in the day. She was last seen hopping down the main street wearing my rucksack – any attempts to bring her in should be non-lethal. Enjoy the new photos people.

Ps life here is the same as normal, more lessons, fieldwork starting soon, weather hot, lots of sun, cool mornings and evenings. I am well.


Blogger Daf said...

guy, the moustaches are very scary! Great to hear all you're up to there, rock jumping looked fun. Glad you've had a bit more space and time :) Davina

10:22 PM

Blogger Guy 'cpn Justice' Lowe said...

you need to follow the links to flickr - there are a whole bunch of scary photos and more to come...

8:58 AM


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