A day in the life of.......cpn_justice
Despite having written a whole lot of rubbish on several subjects many people reading this blog may have no idea of what my life is like. In all probability I suspect that people may be generally bewildered by me anyway, no matter how well they know me.
And so I have decided to create this day in the life summary of me - it is unfortunate that I have chosen to do it on one of the more bizarre days of my life in the Po, but perhaps this will give you an idea as to why life here is a little intense:
Tuesday night: go to bed.
Sometime Wednesday morning: wake up from worst nightmare of life unable to distinguish reality from dreams. Spend some time lying awake too scared to move or go back to sleep. [I suspect that the quiche we had for dinner is to blame].
7 am - wake up again. Decide that after my awful night of 'sleep' I am not getting up early. Go back to bed.
8:30 am - wake up and get breakfast. Shower. Stumble round in haze but quickly leave my house (the scene of said nightmare). Wander round for a small while, turn up to class later than normal.
8:55 - arrive at class and sit in a different seat - many people express concern at my sudden change in routine. Little do they suspect.
8:56 - Penny arrives and choses to sit next to me. An unfortunate event because she was one of the people in my dream trying to bring about my total insanity and death. I try my best to be nice.
9:00 - class starts with Hebrews - no not a bunch of ancient Israelites but a study of the book in the bible. I find it hard to concentrate because of the high volume of adrenaline running through my veins and the fact that I am physically shaking because I am still actually scared from the nightmare. Emotional pressure begins to build until I feel that my head is about to explode.
9:30 - still scared, pressure high.
10:00 - time to go for morning tea. We are late and I should be doing the PA. Run up to community hall and set up sound desk. Tea happens, I pay somewhere around the zero attention mark.
10:40 ish - a stumble back through the sunlight to class once more.
10:50 - Class starts agin with Old Testament survey 3 (of 4). Fear still present.
11:40 - 5 minute post/tea break. No post, I elect to have tea to make up for it.
11:45 - class begins again with more Hebrews. My brain is turning to mush with biblical overload. Am resisting the urge to break down or kill Penny just in case she really is a witch and trying to kill me.
12:40 - Class ends, have spent a lot of time staring at the desk. Stealthily leave and avoid human contact.
1:00 - eat lunch. I can't remember what I had. Go to shop and buy milk, clean up, play some guitar and sit quietly for a small while rocking back and forwards.
1:35 - walk back to class. Get more tea. Still no post.
1:45 - Class begins on adolescence. Possibly most frustrating part of day as we cover the same ground several times over. Upshot is that by halfway through I am so annoyed that I have stopped being scared and the nightmare's grip is gone. We then spend some time making a collage (spelling?) out of old magazines (who said C4 was hard work?). My favourite magazine is 'truck and bus' and is most representative of my teenage years - at least from the choices available. I also take half a girl magazine and cut out random quotes and pictures of people I think are attractive.
3:40 - break time. More tea, some more cutting and sticking because I am having so much fun.
3:50 - one more lesson on Hebrews. Time for a little more engagement with subject, but a lot more tiredness. I have probably now invented half the message of Hebrews by only having a small proportion of my mental faculties available to me, if anyone ever asks me to write the bible down we'll be in trouble.
4:30 - class ends. Argue with Penny - possibly due slightly to my emotional turmoil. First argument with class mate, a threshold is crossed. Go home and journal on fieldwork/nightmares. Play guitar. Meet with Kelly.
5:00 - phone call from Penny to apologise/make up. Intriguing if not totally satisfying.
5:50 - community tea. Wander around village looking for correct house, am rescued by someone else from my group. Eat lots of food, including chocolate pudding (called self-saucing pudding here, a ridiculous name and one I am trying to have changed to 'magic-pudding').
7:30 - leave community tea after washing up and go for our evening tutorial: a sex education video. I'm not sure quite what they're trying to teach us but we all try to look interested - there is a 15 second segment on the brain which I enjoy but is over too quickly. At least it's presented by Winston.
9:00 - leave tutorial. Meet with Glen about TNT, recount dream and watch possums running around. After a short trip back to my house I discover that in the dark it is scary and go back to pray with Glen for half an hour.
Somehow time disappers between this and about 10:30 when I go home and do some assignment work. I drink more tea, eat several biscuits and work until about 11:45 - then I decide that today has been strange enough and go to sleep.
All in all a fairly average day. You might call the process of living in the Po being 'tenderised'. Right now it certainly feels like it - I can only hope that at the end of it I am less tough and chewy and more like magic pudding.
Now I go to return to my odd version of reality once more.
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